
So I have been brewing since the summer of 2006. It has passed being a hobby, I love the time I spend brewing. In the last few years brewing has become part of what I am.

I spent a short stint with a small brewery and after a long hiatus from the world, things are starting to shape up toward a new revelation(revolution) in my brewing life. Come follow on the journey, I can't promise being heavily active but will try to keep posts interesting and informative.

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Monday, June 6, 2011

1st of the Big Brew beer

As she's posting on Facebook, "Its a damn good beer"

The Honey malt stayed around.  Bitterness came out pretty close to what I wanted.  It's cloudy as hell right now, only first couple pints from the keg.  But you can't call something hoppy and have it be crystal clear.

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